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LCCU was incorporated on June 27, 2017 and obtained its business licence on July 14, 2017. 


LCCU is a member-led non-profit financial co-operative society. Low cost affordable loans and convenient savings are the two core services to be offered in the immediate. 


LCCU will promote the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.


LCCU’s foremost priority is to provide you, the owners, a safe place to invest savings, attain individual wealth goals and source affordable lending options with sound financial advice.


Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.


LCCU's ultimate goal is to offer you exceptional and consistent member service with the highest quality of financial services delivered with integrity and professionalism.


What is a credit union?

A credit union is a financial co-operative organized, for the sole purpose of providing service to members.

What is the difference between credit unions and other financial institutions?

  • The difference is in the structure. Many financial institutions are owned by stockholders who seek to profit from their investment in the organization. Credit unions are owned co-operatively and are democratically controlled by all members without regard to the amount of money that a member has in the credit union.

  • Credit unions are directed by a Board which is a group of volunteers selected from within the membership. Credit Unions return profits to their members in the form of dividends, safe savings options and competitive loans, rates and services.

  • Credit unions do business with their members only.


  • Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions 
  • World Organisation of Credit Unions 

© 2021 by Liberty Co-operative Credit Union. 

Website development by Prestige Consulting.

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