Step One
Primary Account Owner
Joint Account Owner
Do you confirm that all information listed above is accurate?
By clicking "I/We agree" you agree to the following:
I/We hereby make application for membership in the Liberty Co-operative Credit Union Limited and agree to conform to the Rules and Amendments thereof and subscribe for the minimum of ten shares within six months.
Step Two
Nomination Form
(Pursuant to the Co-operative Societies Act R.S.A c.115 (Act) of the revised laws of Anguilla)
A member of the above-named Society, in accordance with the Act and the By-laws of the Society, do hereby nominate the following as the only person(s) (none of them being an Officer or Servant of the Society, unless such person is the Husband, Wife, Child, Brother, Sister, Nephew, or Niece of me/us the nominator) to or among whom shall be transferred my property in the Society whether in Shares, Savings, Deposits, interest or otherwise (net of Loans), at my death in such proportion(s) as is/are set forth below opposite their respective names:
Where the nomination is not intended to comprise the whole of the applicant’s property in the Society, the amount to be comprised in it is to be specified.
Nominee 1
Nominee 2
Nominee 3
If additional nominees are required they may be added in person at the Liberty offices during regular office hours.
ID Upload
Liberty Co-operative Credit Union requires at least two (2) pieces of valid government issued picture identification documents. These may be uploaded here as PDF files. Persons who are not citizens of Anguilla must upload notarized versions of these documents.
Once you click "NEXT" the information submitted cannot be changed.