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Happy Anniversary!


Today July 14th, 2024 is a day of great significance in Liberty's journey to help all our members on the pathway to financial freedom.

Seven years ago today, I sat waiting at the ministry of finance patiently but undeterred until our business license, your business license, was issued.

As I was reflecting on this a number of things crossed my mind. Some of you may remember those early days in 2017 when I met you in your home and your business places, talked to you on your porches and living rooms or in the grocery stores and shared my vision, your vision, with you and for you.

The dream of a Credit Union, the dream of positioning you as members to own your own financial institution in Anguilla and chart your own destiny.

We have overcome having passed through many challenges by God's Grace. There were obstacles before we even got started but we have come this far by faith.

The well-known hymn says it well, “through many dangers toils and snares we have already come”. To put it in words that relate, through hurricanes, regulatory requirements and internal struggles, yes, we have faced it all And God's grace continues to lead us.

And to recognize that in 7 years, we've gone from our registration process with 16 organizing members, to our first year of operations with 160 members at the end of 2018 and 600k EC dollars in assets to now over 4000 members and growing strong.

Today you our members, belongers, residents of Anguilla representing 30% of our population are dedicated to Liberty, dedicated to helping each other, people helping people, dedicated to establishing a financially secure entity, dedicated to ensuring that you can get ahead financially and live a richer life.

Together we have a mission for a better Anguilla, one where we value life and promote the Credit Union difference...  the freedom to save.

We are committed to fiscal prudence, regulatory compliance, integrity, ethics and transparency, in this pursuit of peace and prosperity for all members.

Liberty belongs to you. Let freedom ring!

Happy Anniversary from the board, management and staff at Liberty Co-operative Credit Union. We thank you!

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